Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Subwoofer Speakers

Everything You Need to Know About Subwoofers
Executive Summary about Subwoofers by Victor Epand

subwoofer with speakers
Subwoofer refers to either a woofer, or a complete loudspeaker dedicated to the reproduction of bass audio frequencies, typically from 150 Hz down to 20 Hz. Subwoofers are useful for augmenting main loudspeakers by providing playback of low bass frequencies at high levels. Subwoofers are available in several formats, including bass reflex, acoustic suspension, infinite baffle, horn loaded, tapped horn and bandpass types.

All loudspeakers characteristically exhibit trade off between frequency response and response time or transient response depending on the characteristics of the voice coil, properties of the magnetic motor, the cone mass, and the nature of the enclosure.

The voice coil consists of a bobbin with wire wound around it. The voice coil is attached to the bottom of the cone and extends into the air gap surrounding the pole piece. The voice coil translates the magnet's energy into cone motion.

Subwoofers use drivers woofers typically between 8" and 18" in diameter. Some drivers as small as 4" may be referred to as subwoofers but drivers less than 8" generally have neither the cone area nor excursion ability necessary to produce deep bass, especially in practical sized enclosures.

The first subwoofer was developed during the 1960s by Ken Kreisel. Kreisel's solution was to design a powered loudspeaker that would reproduce only those frequencies that were too low for the electrostatic speakers to convey and thereby fill in the missing sonic information. Subwoofers came into greater popular attention in 1974.

Subwoofers are used in various systems. Subwoofers are now almost universal in professional sound applications such as live concert sound, churches, nightclubs, and theme parks. Professional audio subwoofers must be capable of very high output levels. This is reflected in the design attention given in recent years to the subwoofer applications for sound reinforcement, public address, and concert systems.

A subwoofer does not necessarily provide superior bass performance in comparison to large conventional loudspeakers on ordinary music recordings due to the lack of very low frequency content on such sources. Most home and car systems have much smaller and unmatched drivers at low frequencies; they attempt to reproduce very low frequencies with large cone motions.

Speakers - How They Work and What They Do
Executive Summary about Speakers by Neil Patel

Speakers (drivers) are a vital part of car audio systems. They take charge of reproducing the sound from electrical to audible. They work by vibrating the air around the speaker when an electrical current is passed through them.

There are usually four types of speaker used in car audio set ups. For the low end of the sound spectrum, subwoofers and mid-bass drivers are used; the middle of the sound spectrum is taken care of by the mid-range drivers while the high end is reproduced by tweeters.

There are also speakers such as 6x9's that are able to produce a broader spectrum of sound than a standard midrange driver on its own for example and also the design of the speaker varies depending on the intended use.

How to Select and Install the Speakers for Your Home Theater System
Executive Summary about Speakers by Jane M. Cooke

Surround sound systems are set up using a series of speakers placed at strategic locations around the viewer to create a realistic ambiance. The surround sound system works by increasing the spatial sense, and better sound directionality with height effects to provide 3D sound environment. The surround sound systems are measured in terms of channels like 5.1, 7.1 and 9.1. Each channel delivers a different sound track via the speaker simultaneously.

Home theaters systems usually come with 5 to 9 speakers. In a 5 set speaker system, the left and right front speakers as well as the side ones need to be identical to each other. The front speakers are larger in size as they provide more audibility with regards to dialogues spoken and song lyrics while the side speakers are smaller as they provide the subtler sound effects. Remember to place the speakers in harmony with the seating arrangement as even a small adjustment in any one will cause a significant change in the perceived sound.

The viewer should be sitting ideally at a distance of 6-8 ft from the screen. The left and right front speakers are to be placed equidistant at about 2-3 feet from the screen with the center speaker placed below or above the screen. The side speakers are placed just behind the viewer at an inward angle slightly above the ear level for best results.

The subwoofer speaker can be placed anywhere as the human ear cannot locate the source of low bass frequency sounds. The speakers can be placed on props on the floor or mounted on the walls. The connecting wires can be concealed in wire moldings or run through the walls for a neat look.

Check out my other guide on 10 Subwoofer